Linda and I had a fun weekend visiting Sandra - a former customer and friend who moved to Windsor just about a year ago.
When we drove in the driveway there was wonderful welcome sign drawn with chalk.
In huge letters it said "Welcome Diane and Linda".
There was also a picture of knitting on some needles. So cute!
Sandra made this sign and her daughter Lauren drew a bunch of balls of yarn on the driveway.
I took a picture but unfortunately it did not turn out - I had my new camera on the wrong setting.
I was going to take a picture of it the next day but it rained overnight and washed it all away!
Look closely at the sheep - Lauren loves to visit them and wanted us to see them.
Aren't the sheep cute and of course Lauren is really cute also.
Did you notice the sheep are note real?
Hope you enjoy this picture.
Have a great long weekend and remember to find some time to knit and crochet.