It is February!
It is cold!
It is super KNITTING weather!
I know I am a couple of days early - not quite February - but I also know you look forward to receiving our blog every Friday. So rather than being late - here I am!
It is cold!
It is super KNITTING weather!
I know I am a couple of days early - not quite February - but I also know you look forward to receiving our blog every Friday. So rather than being late - here I am!
Until I started to look around the shop, I did not realize how many RED things we have in stock.
Look closely and you will see
RED yarn (of course)
RED Knit Happy water bottles, thermal mugs, notebooks
RED buttons
RED Knitkits and who knows what else.
RED is such a warm and comforting colour.
Be sure to come in to say Hi and get yourself some RED.
Even though it is cold outside, it is never to soon to think warm, spring, summer, etc.
With those thoughts in mind, you should also be thinking about knitting for the spring and summer.
Many of the spring and summer knitted tops can be worn year round under a jacket,
so you can get double your value from them.
Spring and summer yarns and patterns are starting to arrive at the shop.
They make you feel so good when you look at them.You can dream about warmer weather as you knit.
We are having fun "playing" with the yarns and trying to find spots to display all that is new!
More about the new yarns later in the newsletter and the blog.
Don't forget to come in to get some RED.
PS. 8 bags of "ruffled" yarns arrived on yesterday and they are going to go fast!
PS. 8 bags of "ruffled" yarns arrived on yesterday and they are going to go fast!